Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tom Lucas Scams

I'm so disappointed!

This guy, Tom Lucas, is an Affiliate marketer and I don't like to say something very bad about a fellow marketer, but really, he promise people more than the products offer.

It is one thing to market a product, but it's another thing to give guarantees that you can't met or willing to met at all.

Tom Lucas attached his name to Auto Blog Syndicate and promise to pay your money back within 60 days. I bought the software but since day one it didn't work and I contact support. After one week I finally got some response from them after numerous of emails and they didn't answered my questions or gave any support on the product.

What this product do is to get affiliate links from Clickbank in a niche and then you set it up on a website with RSS feeds. But after I had put in all my information to point it to my website, with my Clcikbank affiliate ID, nothing happen.

I contact them over and over again. When I asked my money back, they tell me that they are proud about their product and that they want to serve their clients and then they asked all the questions again, which I had answered over and over again.

Now they just ignore any of my emails and I told them that if I don't get my money back, I will tell the world about this scam.

Tom Lucas still got the cheek to send more offers to me. How on earth can I trust anything this man is offering to me! How can anybody ever believe what he got to offer, even though it might be a good product.

I think it's time that scammers have to bring to the surface. I would accept it if Tom just answered me back after I sent emails to him about this matter. If he told me that he is only an affiliate and that he will send the vendor an email too, but nothing. He talked in the video as if he is the vendor and HE made the promise to pay people's money back if it doesn't work for them - no questions ask.

What a joke!

I can't think that they got people's money and then disappear from the earth.

Did you experience something like this before?  What have you done about it?

I would like to hear from you.

Nabreska du Plessis

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